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  • Block Template: Issue Page

    The issue page template creates a page like those found in the What We Do section on To create a project page, using the block template: Post set up Remove sidebar Insert pattern Add your content Once you have added the issue page template to your page, you will need to replace all the…

  • Block Template: Web Report

    To create a Web Report, using the block template: Post set up Remove sidebar Insert pattern Add your content Once you have added the template to your post, you will need to replace all the dummy content with your report content. For example: Set the menu items The menu block allows users to skip to…

  • Block Template: Press Release Plus

    To create a press release plus post, using the block template: Post set up Remove sidebar Insert pattern Add your content Once you have added the press release plus template to your post, you will need to replace all the dummy content with your post content. For example: Set the menu items The menu block…

  • Block Template: Perspective

    To find out more about what Perspective posts are and for content guidelines on how they should be written, see our Perspectives Guide. This post is about the page design for Perspectives posts and how to use a Pattern to achieve it. To create a perspective post, using the block template: Post set up Insert…