These patterns are designed to be used when you are creating a full width page design, where the sidebar has been removed and where your design uses two columns throughout the page with the first column being larger and the second column being smaller and acting as a sidebar. For this layout we use the columns block with the 66/33 option.
On amnesty.org we use this kind of page design for ‘web report’ pages.
Adding Chapter and Chapter Heading Patterns
Remove sidebar
This pattern is designed to be used on a full width page design. First, remove the sidebar from the page you are working on.
Start with the block template
You may wish to start with the full web report block template and then add additional chapters and chapter headings when you need to add more sections to your content.
Add chapter and chapter heading patterns
- Click the + icon to add a new block from the top toolbar in the page/post editor.
- Click on the Patterns tab.
- Either choose which category of patterns you want to select from (2/3,1/3 for the chapter and action for the heading) or click Explore to open a modal that allows you to have a larger view of each pattern.
- In the explore view, you can type ‘chapter’ into the search bar to find the chapter and type ‘heading’ to find the heading. The chapter heading pattern is called ‘chunky heading with links’.
- Click on the pattern you wish to insert or drag and drop the pattern into your content. If you click on the pattern, it will be inserted at the location of your cursor.
Chapter and Chapter Heading settings
The chapter pattern is made up of a section block containing columns, with heading block, paragraph blocks, a collapsable block and a buttons block.
The chapter heading pattern is made up of a section block with grey background, a heading block and a buttons block.
See the documentation on each of these blocks to find out more about the available settings.
Chapter and Chapter Heading demonstration
Chapter Heading – Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Chapter Subheading
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut nec quam et ante gravida molestie ut ac lorem. Suspendisse sed lorem faucibus, euismod dolor non, malesuada mauris. Praesent tincidunt blandit dolor, sed convallis urna sollicitudin et. Vestibulum iaculis ante sit amet augue interdum convallis. Vivamus molestie dignissim erat auctor venenatis. Nulla a tristique tortor. Integer scelerisque venenatis orci blandit porta. Morbi pellentesque leo id bibendum dapibus. Nullam vestibulum elementum elementum.
Proin tincidunt accumsan nisi, eu viverra tellus mollis pharetra. Integer viverra aliquam tellus, sit amet euismod nulla auctor sit amet. Vivamus iaculis finibus euismod. Mauris egestas a dui et sodales. Etiam at arcu arcu. Donec lorem leo, tincidunt id consectetur in, ultrices eu nibh. Nulla pellentesque imperdiet odio, laoreet suscipit dui dictum et. Vivamus viverra neque ac massa accumsan feugiat. Ut venenatis metus ut metus porttitor, in ultrices augue sodales. Duis hendrerit vel diam at pretium. Cras rhoncus sollicitudin neque at tristique. Suspendisse blandit orci ac quam tempus, vel feugiat lorem commodo. Praesent nec ultrices orci, sed cursus nisl. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc ligula nisl, convallis ac odio sed, vulputate eleifend urna. Ut fermentum quis ipsum a facilisis.
Donec ex mauris, feugiat blandit tempor eu, fermentum quis turpis. Duis at magna magna. Mauris dapibus metus est, in congue dolor consectetur eu. Morbi vestibulum sapien vel mi maximus aliquet. Nulla sit amet sapien quis diam cursus posuere fringilla ut ante. Integer sed purus a felis aliquam condimentum sed vitae arcu. Morbi nec accumsan elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec nec sem eu dolor egestas feugiat at in magna. Cras sollicitudin euismod eros vitae congue. Pellentesque mattis egestas tellus, et pulvinar magna condimentum eu. Donec fringilla nulla sit amet tincidunt ultrices. Nunc mattis lectus id feugiat mollis. Donec dapibus, dolor id fermentum rhoncus, tellus risus vehicula sapien, in malesuada orci velit at odio.
Chapter Subheading
Ut id ex eget orci pulvinar pulvinar. Aliquam pretium magna orci, nec vulputate massa blandit id. Sed blandit euismod luctus. Vestibulum id mauris nec lorem gravida bibendum ut nec erat. Aenean ante elit, cursus sed vulputate ut, pulvinar eu mauris. Mauris eget scelerisque tellus. Suspendisse nisi quam, condimentum eu luctus quis, congue gravida odio. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec ullamcorper dolor leo, vitae rhoncus tortor tempus ut. Praesent ullamcorper, nibh at malesuada pulvinar, risus magna ultricies quam, a scelerisque enim est vitae leo. Donec quis gravida arcu, in porta leo. Curabitur ultrices ligula diam, non placerat lacus tempus nec.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse consequat fermentum sem. Phasellus cursus velit diam. Praesent et elementum tellus, eget consequat tellus. Curabitur commodo justo quis massa tempus bibendum. Phasellus ultrices eu urna at congue. Pellentesque non elit vel ante iaculis accumsan. Suspendisse placerat magna vel nibh dignissim, id imperdiet est suscipit. Quisque ornare nisl velit, non mattis risus luctus sed. Integer venenatis quam ac malesuada varius.