Audience: Web Ops Team and Web Working Group Members.
What: A guide for how we handle feature requests.
Self Hosted
Contact your IT or Dev team, they will be able to advise on how to safely make changes in a child theme or a separate plugin. Should you want to contact our theme developers please let us know and we can introduce you.
If you decide to work with our developers we can work with you to make sure the code is shareable with other users.
If you decide to work with your own developers this will not be managed by the Web Ops at the IS. However please do let us know of any features you build in separate plugins as, if possible, we would love to be able to share these with other users.
IS Web Ops Hosted
Bring your own budget
Work can be requested through IS Web Ops but will be funded by your team, Web Ops at the IS will manage the delivery of work. Please email website @ to request a quote from our development team. Should you accept the quote the agency can invoice your team directly and this will be funded by your department, providing the request does not impact other theme users the work can be done without wider consultation. If the proposed work changes existing blocks, taxonomies or page templates other theme users will be consulted.
Web Ops budget
In 2023 the Web Ops budget will be used for implementing the Road Map that has been created by Web Ops in collaboration with the Web Working Group members and has been shared with the Web Vision Steering Committee.
Should you have any requests that you do not have budget for, please email website @ with these requests and we will add these to our product backlog this backlog, it is possible these may be added to the Road Map during one of the quarterly Road Map reviews.