1.  Getting Started

To find the news pages on amnesty.org you can navigate to Latest on the main menu, and then to News in the menu that drops down.

On the News page, you can also filter news posts according to which terms they have been tagged with, using the Countries, Resource Types or Topics filters.

Requests can be made for your news post to be featured on the website homepage banner – speak to the Deputy Head of News and Media or the Digital Content Coordinator.


1.1   News post structure

News posts on amnesty.org, usually use the ‘Standard Post Template’ and consist of the following main elements:

  1. Featured Image
  2. Post Title
  3. Main content (paragraph block)
    • Subheadings (heading block -h2)
  4. Quote Block
  5. Image (if required)
  6. Call to Action (if required)

2.  How to build a post in WordPress

2.1  Create a new post

Click on Add New under Posts or choose New > Post option from the top toolbar.

Tag with Content Type: News

To add your post to the News pages, ensure that you tick the News check box under Content Type in the Settings menu that opens as a sidebar on the right of your screen.

Add additional tags

In this sidebar, you should also tag your post under the Countries, Resource Type and Topics categories.

For example:

  • Country – Afghanistan
  • Resource – Press Release
  • Issue – Unlawful Killings

This helps users filter and find what they are looking for in the News Page and also ensures relevant and recent news stories are featured on the Country Pages and the What We Do pages.

Press releases must be tagged with Resource Type: Press Release in order to appear on the press release post list, linked on our Media Centre page.

2.2  Add your content

Add a Header

Add title

Add your title where it says ‘Add title’.

This will be your H1 Header (read more about header tags).

Add text

To add the copy, use the forward slash key / to choose a ‘paragraph block’ first, or cut and paste the copy directly into the body of the template.

Use the heading block for subheadings

NB. Please ensure subheadings are set to a Heading H2 as opposed formatting as Bold. This not only ensures that our copy is consistent in size and format, but it is also best practice when maintaining the structure of our pages to aid in the use of assistive technologies for some of our readers and supports Search Engine Optimization.

To convert paragraph text to a heading:

  1. Select text
  2. Click on the paragraph icon
  3. Under the ‘transform to’ list, select Heading

2.3  Add featured image

To add a banner image to your post, go to the Settings sidebar, select > Featured Image and either upload a new image or select an image from the media library.

Add Alt Text

Add in the Alt Text for the image, a visual description of what the image is, in order to aid audiences using assistive technologies. Then add the copyright of the image in the description box.

Add copyright credit

NB. Due associated costs during theme build the description box is actually the image credit box. The credit must be filled in.

Crop image

Next preview the page, check how the banner will appear. In some cases you may need to edit the image in order to get a better crop of the image for the banner. To do this:

  1. Open featured image, in the post settings sidebar
  2. Click edit image
  3. Click crop
  4. Input aspect ratio 21:9
  5. Select crop area
  6. Click crop again
  7. Save
  8. Update post
add a banner

2.4  Add a block quote

  • Use the forward slash to start a search /. Type ‘Quote Block’ and select a Quote block.
  • Manually type the quote from your copy and the name of the spokesperson.
  • Preview your quote.
  • Your quote should be set to central alignment. Please ensure that you set your quote to appear central within the body of the copy to maintain consistency across our news pages.

2.5  Add additional images (optional)

  • Use the forward slash to select a new block. Type ‘Image’ and select an Image block.
  • Upload new image or select the image from the media library.
  • Don’t forget to complete the descriptive Alt Text and to add the image credit in the description field.
  • NB. You can add a keyword to your Alt text to assist with page SEO

2.6  Add a call to action block (optional)

  • Use the forward slash to start a search /. Type ‘Call to action’ and select a Call to action block.
  • Ignore the pre heading, add the call to action to the heading of the block.
  • Next add the text to your button and add the URL to the page that you want it to link to.
  • Preview and test your call to action button.

3.  How to publish or schedule your post

Now you are ready to set the post live on the website.

To publish your draft post so that it is live click > Publish.

You will see the publish button once live change to ‘update’ for any future updates to the page.

Alternatively, for embargoed material you can schedule the publish date/time by clicking the dropdown menu on the ‘Publish Immediately’ tab and select your preferred date and time of day in the calendar which is set to GMT.

Finally Click > Schedule.