Build Process

Using the Amnesty WP Theme

If you are self-hosting your website, you can download the latest release of the theme from GitHub. If you do not have access to the GitHub repository, please email the IS Web Ops team at [email protected].

If your site will be hosted by the IS Web Ops team, they will often perform the initial website setup for you, and provide you with a “Staging” environment on which to prepare for your website launch.

The theme is developed with the intention that you should be able to extend it using plugins or a child theme.
If you encounter a scenario in which you are unable to modify/extend a particular feature due to a limitation in the theme, please let us know, as we may be able to rectify that.
If you build functionality that doesn’t exist in the theme, and you think it may benefit other theme users, we would appreciate it if you would consider contributing it back into the theme.

To contribute code directly to the theme, please consult the contribution guidelines in the theme’s GitHub Repository. This documentation outlines how to get set up for development, and how to interact with GitHub.

Notes for Server Migrations

If deploying to a new environment, the below steps could easily be overlooked:

  • Nginx Rules
  • Redirects
  • Cron status
  • Robots.txt (root)
  • Site verification files (e.g. Google) (root)
  • IP address safelist
  • Caching Rules (e.g. custom PDF rules)
  • GES safelist API routes
  • XML ping back vulnerability closure (external cron disabled)
  • Web Rules in WPE for CSP and header options